Monday, December 15, 2008

The Process

The process of the weighing of the heart was fairly simple. The deceased heart was set on one side of the balance scale (Egyptians believed that the heart was the center or brain of an individual). On the other side was the feather of truth. The god Anubis stood on the side by the heart carefully watching to make sure that the heart was lighter then the feather. He acted as the guardian of the scale. Pretty scary huh? The other god that helped with the weighing of the heart ceremony was the God Thoth. Thoth stood close by and recorded all of the results. Now, if your heart was heavier than the feather then that showed that you had done bad deeds and should not be able to go to the afterlife so a scary animal gobbled up the heart. This animal had the body of a hippo and the head of a crocodile!! My heart would probably be so scared it would gobble up itself! Anyways, that is the process of the weighing of the heart ceremony!

Another Step

I thought we were done to, but were not! There is yet another step after the weighing of the heart ceremony! The other step comes after the weighing of the heart. If they passed the weighing of the heart ceremony they were taken into the Hall of Double truths to undergo a second judging of 42 gods! If the deceased convinced the gods that they were worthy enough of going to the afterworld (I doubt I could convince that many gods) then they were said as "True of Voice". They were now considered a westener and were welcomed to the underworld by Osiris.

The Concept

The concept of the weighing of the heart ceremony is the origin of the balance scale as the modern symbol of justice. In the weighing of the heart your heart was weighed against a feather! The feather represents "truth" and the persons heart represented there feelings and emotions as well as the deeds they had made throughout there lifetime. If your heart was heavier then the feather it meant you had been bad! I mean come on, isn't everyones heart heavier then a feather?!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Why a Heavy Heart?

The reasons for someone having a heavy heart are because of some actions they may have made throughout there life. If someone very often did bad things like lying they are most like going to have a heavy heart and not be able to move on to the afterlife. A person who was always the kindest to everyone and never lied would get to go to the afterlife. In my opinion, a lot of Americans now in days would not be able to go on to the afterlife since telling little white lies is pretty common.

The Theory

The Egyptians believed in the weighing of the heart ceremony for many reasons. The main reason that they beileved in it was they thought that anyone who did bad deeds and bad things throughout there life should not be able to move on to the afterlife after they died (Now, I question how many Egyptians were really able to move on to the afterlife!) The weighing of the heart ceremony tests wether or not a person has been good through there lifetime or not and also if you are going to be able to go to the afterlife.